Monday, August 3, 2009

Ubuntu vs LinkedIn

As the full story unfolds, this would definitely qualifies as an adventure, but not one of mine!
For some time it has bothered me that I can't use LinkedIn.

... That is to say, I can't use Ubuntu when running Linux.
Update: that really should read "I can't use LinkedIn when running Linux", but I do like the effect!
Oh! I can go to the site and log in. However, any query based request, and things just go to sleep.
??? I thought that the web was supposed to be platform neutral!!!
It is neutral, in theory, although try accessing a site running asp and see how far you get on a non-windows operating system. To even the score, using a Redmond produced browser will give you problems with clever styling (prior to IE 8, at least), and no visibility for any svg images (the latter being the case of a 400lb gorilla squishing a perfectly good standard that most other browsers support reasonably well.)
But why? Think 'Silverlight'
One day, I hope the penny will drop that having a non-neutral net is in nobody's interest! So, to get back to the LinkedIn issue.

For once, it doesn't appear to have anything to do with Microsoft conspiracy theories. Nobody, at this stage, appears to quite know just what the problem is!
I have no solution, but I admire the problem!
Happily, there does appear to be a workaround: just tweak the network layer so:

sudo ifconfig eth0 mtu 1360

I tried it and ... presto!

So I'm happy for now! However, I'm not sure which I find more mysterious: the problem itself, or the process that produced the workaround (which you can read more about on this forum)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

In The Frame III: Creating a Project

Sorry if anyone's been waiting, with baited breath, for this instalment. I had intended to post once a week. However, life intrudes on these plans. So, while I will try and stick to a weekly instalment, there will be no guarantees.
OK We've decided what we want to do. Now, how do we start going about it?
In this post, I will review what happens in the various frameworks when you create a project:

$ rails Enchant

This runs a script that generates a ruby project framework for your application under the folder named 'Enchant'. This was the name I chose for this project. Feel free to use something else.

Before proceeding to look at the results, I would like to comment that I long ago concluded that Tolkien had some sound advice for programmers: 'Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards! They are subtle and quick to lead you down the garden path before abandoning you behind the compost heap with all the fairies'.

What I mean by that should become clear when I describe the project structure that rails creates:
  • Enchant/
  • app/
  • controllers/
  • application.rb
  • helpers/
  • application_helper.rb
  • models/
  • views/
  • layouts/
  • config/
  • environments/
  • development.rb
  • production.rb
  • test.rb
  • initializers/
  • inflections.rb
  • mime_types.rb
  • boot.rb
  • database.yml
  • environment.rb
  • routes.rb
  • db/
  • doc/
  • API/
  • lib/
  • tasks/
  • log/
  • development.log
  • production.log
  • server.log
  • test.log
  • public/
  • images/
  • javascripts/
  • stylesheets/
  • 404.html
  • 422.html
  • 500.html
  • dispatch.cgi
  • dispatch.rb
  • favicon.ico
  • index.html
  • robots.txt
  • script/
  • performance/
  • process/
  • about
  • console
  • destroy
  • generate
  • plugin
  • runner
  • server
  • test/
  • fixtures/
  • functional/
  • integration/
  • mocks/
  • development/
  • test/
  • unit/
  • test_helper.rb
  • tmp/
  • cache/
  • pids/
  • sessions/
  • sockets/
  • vendor/
  • actionmailer/
  • actionpack/
  • activemodel/
  • activerecord/
  • activeresource/
  • activesupport/
  • rails/
  • railties/
  • Rakefile

Hello? Are you still there? I'm not surprised if you found all that a bit daunting. It is a bit of overhead for a simple 'hello world', isn't it?

Of course, you don't actually have to know the ins and outs of *all* these directories before you start doing some work, but it serves to show that Wizards, while thay may do a lot of useful things for you, become less useful when you actually start having to do your own work, and try to figure out what it is that they have actually done for you. (Look up 'Guru' as an anti-pattern). In fact, this tree has even more detail than I have shown, but I think the point is made, even without drilling further down into the depths of the directories, api/, public/, and vendor/.

Anyway, the folders we do need to concentrate on are:
  • app/: this is where the bulk of the application code will be placed. It is organised into sub-folders in a fairly intuitive way:
    • models/: for classes describing the application data models
    • views/: for classes handling the output displays
    • controllers/: for classes that handle the action prompts, interrogate the model, and return the appropriate view
    • helpers/: for classes that assist at the small-scale
  • script/: this contains a lot of useful utility scripts for maintaining and developing the project. You'll see these in use shortly.
  • vendor/: for third party software. By 'third party', I would include common code you develop and maintain yourself for use in multiple applications.


By comparison, the structure that Django creates is laughably simple:
$ django Enchant

  • Enchant/

Whether this naive setup allows for good scaling, or is only good for naive applications, remains to be seen.


It is not immediately obvious how to set up a Cake project. Certainly, there is no 'Cake' me a baked project command. There does appear to be an underlying assumption that you operate with one cake application per server, so all you have to do is install Cake and get going in the 'apps' directory. The directory structure of cake appears to suggest this, and is similar to the Rails structure. Guess you have to copy the template to where you want it. (Was I grumbling about Wizards earlier?)

Next... Doing something visible.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

In the Frame II: Intentions

The Application:
Having announced my ambitions, I had better announce my intentions: what application shall I write?

My trusty Rails reference is Dave Thomas and David Heinemeier Honsson :'Agile Web Programming with Rails', which describes a simple shopping cart application. A little copycattish to do that again, I think.

Instead, since I am going to be developing the application in triplicate, I shall choose something that caters for multi-user interaction: I shall create a conversation whiteboard.

What this will allow is for each version of the application to interact with each other (in theory!).

Important stuff first
What to call it?

Well, it's a chat application with multiple varieties, so a starting point of 'N-chat' leads naturally to calling it:


How do I imagine it operating?

Starting with a conversation board, a user can select which of several groups they might like to join.
(There might even be a snatch of overheard conversation to help them decide)
On selecting that conversation, the user then sees a number of views*:
  • one for what is typed in
  • one for the general buzz of conversation
  • a few extracted streams, associated with user.
Oh yes, they will probably want to be able to leave as well!

There are any number of refinements that can be added to all this, but I think this will be more than enough for a training exercise (especially if muggins here is going to be doing it in triplicate!)

OK, what we have already suggests a number of design issues:
  • two main displays: the main listing, and the conversation area
  • A database (which isn't strictly necessary for casual chit-chat forums, but which might prove useful for playback. This poses a small problem in that I don't actually have a database that is accessible we may dispense with that. That would be a pity, since ORM is a major support feature of these frameworks)

Tackling the main listing first, it should handle the following use cases:
  • view conversations (default)
  • create conversation
  • join existing conversation

The conversation space should handle the following, at least:
  • add to conversation
  • update conversation
  • leave conversation

In the spirit of Agile programming, we will leave the list at that, and add to it as time and experience suggest.

*You will note a few mixed metaphors going on here, as I try and cram square pegs into round holes, and describe a visual application for what is, traditionally, an aural/oral activity. This isn't an idle observation: I think it's a major issue of chat sessions, which we will not be solving here)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

In the Frame I: Ambitions

After a prolonged absence from this motley collection of tidbits, and faced with a prolonged period of inactivity known as 'unemployment', I have decided to embark on a bit of self-education.

The focus of my interest is going to be web frameworks, and I shall be describing my efforts at creating an application.

The trick is, I shall be investigating, not one, but three:
  • PHP Cake
  • Python's Django
  • Ruby on Rails
They all purport to do the same things, and that is:
  • Provide a 'Model-View-Controller' (MVC) architecture for your (web) application
  • Provide 'Object-Relational Mapping' (ORM) by which your application can talk to its database.
While these are clearly useful and worthy things (after all, a number of people went to the effort of putting these things together, presumably for a reason) I am going to be taking a slightly different tack, and assess their friendliness, both to the seasoned developer, and to the newcomer who has to contemplate the height of the technological 'entry bar' that a proliferation of applications and their associated buzzwords appear to be doing nothing to keep low.

Tall order? Well, as a former supervisor once said to me, 'In order to develop, you need to exceed your comfort zone.' (It's a pity glass wall wielding recruitment agencies haven't heard that, but that's another story I will not dwell on here.)

My intention is that I shall be developing an application (the *same* application) using each of these frameworks, and describing how my attempts are going in these entries. How technical all this will get remains to be seen.

It may launch careers. It may peter out in an ignominious puddle of dazed confusion.

That is the nature of experiment! Finding out what works.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Learning to Love Being Test Driven

Modern coders will, no doubt, find this little monologue hopelessly passe and babyish.

On the other hand, if your roots lie in the 'traditional waterfall' approach to software development, then there's a refrain that sounds nonsensical when said out loud:
'Test before you code'
Of course, the waterfall approach has been well and truly superceded in favour of cyclical development and the Agile Manifesto (although some would disagree, sotto voce ;-).

So, what is weird about the concept? The first thing that occurs to you is that effect precedes cause: if you test first, then you test...what?

Actually, if you look at the standard mantra (Analyse, Design, Code, Test) you will see that there is actually plenty to test: by the time you are ready to code even a couple of lines, you should have an idea of what you are coding those lines to do. You will some idea about how that code will be invoked. In short, you will have described an interface.

So, testing an interface sounds less ridiculous, doesn't it? Throw some parameters at it and see what happens. (of course, this assumes you or your client have put some requirements together in the first place so you know what it's meant to do. You have done that, haven't you? Of course you have!)

To encourage this desirable behaviour, a number of ancillary frameworks that support what is collectively referred to as 'unit testing' have recently become available. It's not hard to find a plugin for your language. They provide a base test class from which you derive your own suite, and define each test as a method of that class. The wonders of mirroring allows the base class to invoke all methods that fit a pattern like 'test*' (even non-mirroring languages like C++ can join in, although it requires a little more effort from the tester)

So, the *very* first bit of code you should write is your test cases, in the cheerful expectation that each and every test will report abject failure (although statistically, some random stub is bound to work by sheer fluke. Never mind, nothing is perfect!)

Actually, if you do this, your code will probably explode spectacularly, since you haven't written the interface stubs yet! Never mind, most unit test frameworks (and compilers) will take this in their stride, and let you know *precisely* what they think of your coding abilities (and common sense!)

OK. Take 2, you have now defined and written those interfaces, and the tests run; returning a dutiful set of 'F's. Abject failure is a given at this stage. That's good, because there's only one way things can go from here! Off you go! Busily re-writing your code to bring each and every one of those big F's to a full stop.

And, when your code is such that your test output is a green bar or chain of dots..... then you can rest from your labours, content that you have a set of reproducible results that prove your code meets the requirements, and that you will quickly know if any results subsequently become irreproducible as you start tinkering with the code to extend it, and make it look and work better (a pastime known as 'refactoring').

Now, while this is all very well, there is actually something else you can take away from all this. As you write your tests, you will occasionally come across an interface that is difficult to test comprehensively. When this happens, you can put your head down and write hundred of tests for every occasion. Or, you can rest your head in your hands, and have a think about why the interface is a tough one.

It may be that it's trying to do too much (so break it up). It may be that its effects are not immediately observable (so see how you can open things up). The point that may occur to you from this little piece of introspection is that your unit testing is actually encouraging you to think about your coding habits in a new and generally constructive way: the more open and modular your code is, the more readily testable it is. Well tested code can expected to be more robust code.

Like any infrastructure, it is always beneficial to provide unit testing. The most benefit is derived from installing it as early on in the project as possible. Like most infrastructures, there will be some who perceive this unproductive clutter as time consuming overhead. "Never mind these silly tests! We want to see measurable progress!" (usually measured by lines of code written* or number of features implemented)

Allow me to introduce such people to the concept of 'throughput', which sets the upper bound of your productivity as the value of goods/features/whathaveyous that have been passed on to the client.

The value of an untested feature, to a client, is ... zero. So, it doesn't matter how of these you have rattled off in the past week, your net throughput is effectively... zero.

Or, maybe that would be expressed as 'FFFFFFF Zero'?

When you think about it, zero Fs is the desired result.

* I would be profoundly depressed to hear that anyone is still using LOC as a serious measure of progress! But then, there is always something to be depressed about!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Internet Explorer: KT Dyslexia Bug

This one's for anyone out there who's developing plugins for the KnowledgeTree Document Storage system. It serves as a placeholder for the following diagnostic image.

Full details of the problem, how to reproduce it, and (most usefully) the workaround, may be found in this KnowledgeTree forum entry.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Fun With AJAX

Update: someone has come up with a slightly different solution to the problem discussed (See here)
... I mean, what other sort of experience would one have with Asynchronous Javascript And Xml?

Indeed, there's a lot to like about a technique that allows you to update your webpage with a snippet of information retrieved from the server *without* having to reload the whole sorry spectacle. It allows for much greater range of interaction with the user, as well. As I type this blog entry, a small message at the foot of the page is reassuring me that my draft is being stored automatically. How? Presumably a little java applet is being fired at regular intervals, which invokes an XMLhttpRequest (or XMLObject, if you're using IE 6 or earlier), and sends the current data back to the server.

Well, having eulogized the technique, what have I found to grouch about?

The Problem
As an old song put it: 'nice legs, shame about the face!'. One thing, in particular, has been annoying me about the callback mechanism. On just about every tutorial on the subject (and since there are plenty, rather than reinvent the wheel here, I suggest you go google 'Ajax tutorial'! ) you will see something like the following code:

var ajaxHandler = false;

onClick (element)
// Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari
ajaxHandler=new XMLHttpRequest();
catch (e)
// Internet Explorer
ajaxHandler=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
catch (e)
ajaxHandler=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
catch (e)
alert("Your browser does not support AJAX!");

if (ajaxHandler)
{"GET", "http://www.etc.etc/myurl", true);
ajaxHandler.onreadystatechange =
if (ajaxHandler.readyState == 4)
// Handle the reponse!


Perfectly workable as is, and quite adequate for a simple starting tutorial on how to make an AJAX call.


Except, how does the callback function know where to retrieve the results? It doesn't get provided as a call parameter. Nope! The callback function has to go grubbing around for a global variable! This is ugly, and I don't just mean in the cosmetic sense either.

It Gets Worse
As you gain confidence with javascript and Ajax, you will start to use the 'asynchronous' part of the technique more and more: making several Ajax calls simultaneously. Possibly making several calls to the same Ajax function simultaneously... using the same global object! As anyone familiar with multiple processing will attest, this situation is not just ugly, but downright bad.

While Quirksmode has an interesting account of what can happen, and how to avoid the worst of it, there is an astonishing paucity of advice on this topic. So, I had a bit of a tinker, and here is my solution.

Preliminary Tidying Up
First of all, I like a place for everything, and everything in its place. Just as a server process might create a short lived thread/process to handle each request it receives, I would like to see each Ajax call result handled by a single object.

If XMlhttpRequest passed itself to the call back function, we would have a solution (and I wouldn't have a topic). Can we simulate this?

Of course we can, by re-writing the above listing as a wrapper function that implements a chain of command. The main routine then becomes:

function MyCallback (handler)
if (handler.readyState == 4)
// Prettier, but!

function onClick (element)
CallAjax (MyCallback, "http://www.etc.etc/myurl");

This separates the code handling AJAX, which now reads as follows.

var ajaxHandler = AjaxHandler ();

function AjaxHandler ()
// Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari
handler=new XMLHttpRequest();
catch (e)
// Internet Explorer
handler=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
catch (e)
handler=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
catch (e)
alert("Your browser does not support AJAX!");

return handler;

function CallAjax (callback, url)
if (ajaxHandler)
{"GET", url, true);
ajaxHandler.onreadystatechange =
callback (ajaxHandler);


An Obvious Solution...
Well, this might look a bit tidier but, apart from that, nothing much has been achieved: while the callback function proper now has a handler provided to it, it's still going to be the same handler each time a call is made. We want to create a request object each time we make a call.

So, would this do?


function CallAjax (callback, url)
var ajaxHandler = AjaxHandler();

if (ajaxHandler)
{"GET", url, true);
ajaxHandler.onreadystatechange =
callback (ajaxHandler);


...That Doesn't Work!
Unfortunately, no. The problem here is that, although a new handler object is being created, with its own callback object, the language is javascript, ie the command is interpreted, so the dummy function is referring to whatever the handler is at the time the callback was received, which probably isn't what you expected!

A Refinement...
However, there is a way around this: retain the global handler as an array, and refer to the required handler by its array index:

var ajaxHandler = new Array();

function AjaxHandler ()
var handle = ajaxHandler.length;
ajaxHandler[handle] = handler;
return handle;


function CallAjax (callback, url)
var handle = AjaxHandler();
if (handle >= 0)

var"GET", url, true);
handler.onreadystatechange =
callback (ajaxHandler[handle]);


Now we're beginning to cook! Each new request handler is stored in a static array, and the dummy callback function refers to it by its index. This is important because to refer to a handler specifically will cause the same problem as before: several callback functions referring to an indeterminate handler.

Why this is so has something to do with the way the dummy function is generated (it is a class) . To refer to the handler object itself is to refer to it by reference (ie the address of the temporary script variable) to refer to the array index is to refer to it by value (an integer). The latter approach ensures that each callback method refers to a specific handler.

I haven't been using it long enough to give a definitive judgement but, so far, this technique seems to work well. I do have some qualms about that array of request objects growing in the corner like a stack of dirty dishes. It should get cleared away each time the page is refreshed. However, it may cause memory problems if the page persists for long. I am loath to suggest removing old objects from the array since it would upset the index references of current Ajax calls. If this is a concern, you could replace each object entry with an integer as it completes.

An Embellishment
One final embellishment to the procedure. Since we now have a single definition of a callback function, we can use it to perform useful universal tasks such as telling whether or not the server side script ran properly. eg, when returning the result as XML, this is readily done by checking to see whether or not the responseXML field was generated. If it wasn't, then the raw text may contain the warning diagnostics. Similar results can be achieved by searching the result Text field for error indicators.

function CallAjax (callback, url)
var handle = AjaxHandler();if (handle >= 0)
var"GET", url, true);
handler.onreadystatechange =
var response = ajaxHandler[handle];
if (response.responseXML)
callback (response );
alert (response.responseText);


OK? Now go and play.

Final Listing
The following is the complete final listing:

var ajaxHandler = new Array();

function AjaxHandler ()
// Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari
handler=new XMLHttpRequest();
catch (e)
// Internet Explorer
handler=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
catch (e)
handler=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
catch (e)
alert("Your browser does not support AJAX!");

var handle = ajaxHandler.length;
ajaxHandler[handle] = handler;
return handle;

function CallAjax (callback, url)
var handle = AjaxHandler();

if (handle >= 0)
var handler = ajaxHandler[handle];"GET", url, true);
handler.onreadystatechange =
var response= ajaxHandler[handle];
if (response.responseXML)
callback (response);
alert (response.responseText);
